VMTurbo Operations Manager allows the control of MS-SQL Servers to improve database performance resizing connection pools, database memory or transaction log.
To control memory sizing inside applications and databases, the Application Control Module must be activated in Operations Manager enabling auto-scaling up or out to meet real-time demands.
Enter the license key
To enable the Application Control Module a valid license must be installed in Operations Manager. From VMTurbo website you can request a 30-day trial to test the application.
From your favorite browser access VMTurbo web console, type the correct credentials then click Login.
Select Admin tab from main menu.
Click on Workflows item to open the panel and select License Configuration option.
Click License Configuration button to enter the license received from VMTurbo.
Paste the license key then click Save.
The Application Control Module has been enabled.
Setup MS-SQL Server
Starting from version 5.2, VMTurbo Operation Managers supports MS-SQL Server 2008 R2, 2012 and 2014. You can add an individual database server as a target or all matching targets within a given scope.
Using VMTurbo to manage database servers, you can monitor the following resources:
- DBMem - the memory utilized by the database
- Connection - the active connections as a percentage of the maximum number of connections for the database
- Transactions - active transactions as a percentage of allocated capacity
- Response Time - averaged response time (ms), as a percentage of the allocated capacity
- Transaction Log - consumption of storage dedicated to transaction logs
Create an administrative account
From MS-SQL Server, open the SQL Server Management Studio.
Expand Security item, right click Logins and select New Login option.
Specify the Active Directory Login Name VMTurbo will use to access the SQL Server.
In Securables tab, click Search button and select the SQL Server. Click OK to confirm.
Under Explicit section, grant Connect SQL permission to the selected user.
Grant also View Server State permission then click OK.
The specified user is now listed under Logins folder and will be used by VMTurbo to connect the SQL Server.
Target MS-SQL Server
From VMTurbo console, select Workflows > Target Configuration in Admin tab.
Click Add to add a new target.
Select Database as Target Type and select SQLServer option. To connect the database you need to specify the following:
- Scope/Address - name or IP address of the VM hosting the application server
- Port number - the port that reaches the database service listener (1433 default)
- Full Domain Name - the full name of the domain
- Username and Password - valid client credentials for the database service with administrator privileges in SQL Server
Click Add to add the database to control.
Click Apply to store the new target.
Click Rediscover button to discover and validate the added target.
The discovery process is being performed.
When the Discovery process has completed, the Last Discovery Time label is updated with current date and time.
VMTurbo analytics
From Inventory tab, select Applications > Apps_SQLSERVER and select the configured SQL Server.
In the right side, VMTurbo shows three main panels with the following information:
Resources - the resources the application server provides and the resources it consumes from the hosting VM.
Utilization - a chart showing the utilization of the provided resources over time.
To Do - recommended actions for the selected application server.
With Application Control Module, VMTurbo understands application resource demand of target SQL Server assuring best performance maximizing infrastructure utilization.