Nakivo Site Recovery: Failback - pt.3


When the Primary Site has been fixed, Nakivo Site Recovery must be configured to perform the failback operation to move back running VMs from the DR site to preserve changed data.

When the production site fails, the failover to a VM replica action is triggered to quickly restore services and data accessibility. Because VMs are now running in the DR site, any changes to the VMs are stored in the DR datastore not accessible from the source VMs.

When the primary site has been fixed, VMs running in the DR Site must be brought back to the production site restoring the data changed during the failover time. VM replicas must then be re-synchronized using the failback process.



Blog series

Nakivo Site Recovery: Job creation - pt.1
Nakivo Site Recovery: VMs Re-protect - pt.2
Nakivo Site Recovery: Failback - pt.3


Configure Failback in Nakivo Site Recovery

The Failback operation can be performed in production mode or in test mode.

Before performing the Failback action, you need a configured Site Recovery Job with a Failover action included. VM replicas must be in failover state.


From Nakivo's dashboard access the Jobs area, click the + icon then select Site recovery job under Site Recovery Job.


Select Failback VMware VMs (if the VMware platform is in use) action and click Next.


Select the VM replicas in failover state you want to failback then click Next.


Select the Failback location where VMs should be restored (Original location or New location) and click Next.


In the Options tab, enable the Power off replica VMs option if the failback action is performed to the production site. Click Save.


When the Failback configuration has been completed, click Next.


If the VLANs between DR an Production sites are different, thick the Enable network mapping checkbox and assign the correct VLAN by clicking the Create new mapping link. Click Next when done.


When the required network has been configured, click Next.


If the subnets between DR and Production sites are different, thick the Enable Re-IP checkbox and assign the correct subnet by clicking the Create new rule link.


Configure the New Re-IP Rule and click Save.


When the required rules have been assigned, click Next.


When prompted specify the correct credentials for the selected VMs then click X to exit. Click Next to continue.


Configure the Test Schedule options. This step is recommended to ensure that VM replicas can be recovered successfully and the RTO is met. Click Next.


Specify the Job name and click Finish.



Run the Failback

Select the just configured Site Recovery Job and click Run > Run site recovery job.


Click Run.


The failback operation is being executed.


After a few minutes the VMs failed back to production site successfully.


The failed back VMs in the Primary Site.


Failback operation can also be run in Test Mode (replicas are connected to an isolated network) to ensure that everything can be restored successfully.

Nakivo Site Recovery is part of Nakivo Backup & Replication and the product can be downloaded as 15-day trial.


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