In the new VCSA 6.0 (vCenter Server Appliance), vSphere Update Manager (VUM) is the only "Windows" component required by vSphere 6.0.
To run the VUM service when the VCSA is used as vCenter Server, you need a Windows server and a SQL database. For small scale deployment (up to five hosts) SQL Express 2012 is bundled in the vCenter Installer but for bigger environments SQL Server and Oracle are the preferred platforms to use.
Blog series
VCSA 6.0: setup vSphere Update Manager - pt. 1
VCSA 6.0: install vSphere Client and VUM plugin - pt. 2
VCSA 6.0: configure vSphere Update Manager - pt. 3
Create the Update Manager DB and DSN
If you are NOT going to use the embedded SQL Express Server provided with VMware vCenter Installer, you need to create the VUM database and the DNS entry manually in the SQL server before beginning the VUM installation.
From the SQL Server open the Server Management Studio, right click Databases item and select New Database option.
Type the Database name like VIM_UPD then click OK.
The database is being created.
The database has been created successfully and listed in the installed databases.
Close the Server Management Studio and open the ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) to configure the DSN.
Select System DSN and click on Add button. From the list select the SQL Server Native Client 11.0 and click Finish.
Give a Name, a Description and select the SQL Server you want to connect to then click Next.
Leave default then click Next.
Enable the Change the default database to option and select VIM_UPD from the drop-down menu. Click Next.
Leave default values and click Finish.
Click Test Data Source to test the connection.
If the tests are completed successfully, click OK twice to close the windows.
The just created System Data Source is now listed. Click OK to close.
Run the VMware vCenter installer and select the Server option under vSphere Update Manager section.
Check Use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express as the embedded database option to install SQL Express 2012 in the server. The built-in installer takes care of the complete setup of SQL Express and no additional configuration is required (previous steps are not needed).
Click Next to continue.
Accept the EULA then click Next.
Don't enable Download updates from default sources immediately after installation option then click Next.
Type the VCSA FQDN and the Username and Password. Click Next when done.
Select the Data Source Name previously created then click Next.
Click Next to proceed.
From the drop-down menu, select the FQDN name of the vSphere Update Manager then click Next.
Configure if required the location for downloading patches and click Next to continue.
Click Install to begin the installation.
Update Manager is being installed in the server.
When completed, click Finish to exit the Wizard.
If you need to install also the vSphere Update Manager Download Service, select Download Services option and click on Install button.
If you are installing the Download Service in the same server where VUM is installed, you receive this error since Download Service and VUM can't co-exist on the same system. An additional Windows Server is then required.
When the vSphere Update Manager server installation is complete, you need to access the service and configure the plugin. Part 2 will cover the installation of the vSphere Client and the VUM plugin to manage the VMware updates.
Hi Paolo,
This is a really handy article you've written, thanks:-). The VMware documentation is shocking so for those like me that are not SQL admins this is a life saver:-)
As getting the correct version of the ODBC client is tricky, for me at least, it might be worth point people at so that they can download the ENU\x64\sqlncli.msi. This allows the 32bit DSN to be created.
Thanks Gerg.
Glad you found my article useful.