Veeam Availability Orchestrator 1.0


Recently Veeam finally released the long awaited Veeam Availability Orchestrator (VAO), a solution that provides a disaster recovery (DR) orchestration engine for Veeam Backup & Replication replicas to create and test DR plans providing useful reports.

This tool allows to test failover your virtual machines ensuring they work properly and can be safely used in your DR site in case of a real disaster.


VAO requires the installation on several servers depending on the adopted architecture (Production site + DR site, Multiple Production sites + DR site, and so on) and must be installed in a clean server, that is no other Veeam products should resides in the used server.



Veeam Availability Orchestrator allows you to perform the following tasks:


Document your environment

Compliance audits, legal requirements and technical libraries requirements are met with disaster recovery documentation automatically updated and republished as the virtual environment changes and fully-prepared for C-level executive and stakeholder signoff. Fully customizable, template-based reports are available in an easy to consume format.



Test the DR plan

Through an automated disaster recovery plan, you can test and readiness checks with zero impact on production systems with the ability to:

  • Easily execute both on-demand and scheduled testing and recovery verification
  • Access real-time reports and dashboards for plan readiness, execution and testing
  • Regularly test plan readiness



Execute the DR plan

Execution of DR plans ensures IT service continuity minimizing service disruption through the failover and failback of multi-site disaster recovery plans for planned migrations, disaster avoidance and disaster recovery, including:

  • VM, Application and service verification during failover, with predefined startup sequences
  • Integrate failover execution into other business continuity tools through an open API
  • Regulate access to disaster recovery resources with delegated, role-based access control




VAO is licensed per VM and requires Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam Availability Suite Enterprise Plus Editions. You need to purchase licenses only for the virtual machines you want to be orchestrated (minimun 10 VMs) and the fee includes tech support and product updates for the subscription period. Additional info can be found in the dedicated Veeam web page.


Veeam Availability Orchestrator is available as 30-day trial for testing purposes.
