VMware Horizon: "Profile-driven Storage" permissions in vSphere 8


During the VMware Horizon deployment in a vSAN-based vSphere environment, the Profile-driven Storage permissions are required for Instant Clones feature.

In the VMware website, based on the version you want to deploy you can find the privileges required for the vCenter Server user with Instant Clones.



The Profile-driven Storage

If vSAN is the storage available in your vSphere infrastructure and you need to configure the Horizon Instant Clones, you need to assign the Profile-driven Storage permissions to the service account configured in the Connection Server to communicate with the vCenter Server. The required permissions are listed on the VMware page.


These permissions will be assigned to the Role used by the User Name specified during the vCenter configuration in the Connection Server.


If VMware Horizon is installed on the vSphere infrastructure version 7.x or lower, the Profile-driven Storage item can be easily found in the list of the available permissions to configure.


If the vSphere version to use is the 8.x, the Profile-driven Storage item is no longer available. In vSphere 8.x, you need to search for VM storage policies and select the following options:

  • Update VM storage policies
  • View VM storage policies


Once these permissions have been assigned, Horizon Instant Clones can be stored on a vSAN-based storage.


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