I'm very proud to announce VMTurbo as new sponsor of my blog.
VMTurbo offers monitoring and control solutions to manage cloud and enterprise virtualization environments to assure application performance while maximizing infrastructure investments.
Using VMTurbo, administrators ensure that applications get the resources they need to operate reliably, while utilizing their most valuable infrastructure and resources most efficiently.
Operations Manager
Operations Manager is a complete control platform used for capacity planning, workload reservation & deployment, and run-time performance assurance and efficiency.
A 30-day trial is available to test the complete suite.
Control Modules
Control Modules extend Operations Manager from the Hypervisor into each layer of the data center providing tighter control over the desired state to further assure application workload performance while maximizing efficiency.
Virtual Health Monitor
Virtual Health Monitor is a free and unlimited virtualization monitoring and reporting tool. You can download the tool here.
Additional information can be found at VMTurbo website.