PernixData FVP 3.0 is a product to accelerate storage performance in a VMware environment. The installation procedure requires two main components to setup in the vCenter Server and in all the hosts members of the FVP Cluster.
The installation requires in addition an MS-SQL Server 2014 (recommended) to store the FVP database. The Express version is fine for small environments.
Blog series
PernixData FVP 3.0 installation - pt.1
PernixData FVP 3.0 configuration - pt.2
FVP Installation
PernixData FVP 3.0 requires two modules to install in the core components of vSphere:
- FVP Host Extension Module (hosts)
- FVP Management Server (vCenter)
Install FVP Host Extension Module
Three steps are required to install the new FVP Host Extension Module:
- Put host in Maintenance Mode
- Remove old FVP Host Extension Module if installed
- Install new version
Put host in maintenance mode
From the vSphere Client, right click the host to upgrade and select Enter Maintenance Mode option.
The host is in Maintenance Mode.
Using a tool like WinSCP, copy the new PernixData FVP Host Extension Module to the host to upgrade.
Uninstall old version
If a previous release is installed on the host, it must be removed. SSH the host ESXi to upgrade and uninstall the FVP Host Extension Module running the command:
# cp /opt/pernixdata/bin/ /tmp/ && /tmp/
If you experience any problem during the uninstall process (see the example), first check if PernixData is still installed in the system running the command:
# esxcli software vib list
Since the software is still installed, try removing FVP with the command:
# esxcli software vib remove -n pernixcore-vSphere5.5.0
When PernixData has been removed, restart the host.
# reboot
Install new version
Install the new version running the following command:
# esxcli software vib install -d /tmp/
Backup the ESXi configuration.
# /sbin/
Remove host from Maintenance Mode and repeat the installation procedure for all hosts to upgrade.
Install the FVP Management Server
Since PernixData recommends to run the FVP Management Server service using an AD account, create the account and make sure to grant the following permissions:
- Full administrator permissions to vCenter
- Database owner (DBO) permissions to the SQL Server database used by FVP
In addition configure the database to use simple recovery mode or schedule the database for regular full backups to limit the database transaction log file grow.
SQL Browser service startup type should be set as automatic.
Install the Management Server
Since the virtual infrastructure in use relies on vCSA version of vCenter, the FVP Management Server is installed in a Windows of the network with MS-SQL Server 2014 already installed.
Run the FVP Management Server installer to proceed with installation. Click Next to continue.
Accept the EULA then click Next.
Leave default destination folder and click Next.
Select Custom option to check the components to install. Click Next.
If requested, change how a feature is installed then click Next to continue.
Enter the VMware vCenter Server and click Browse to select the service account.
Select Domain and Account name then click OK.
Type the Account Password and leave the "Run PernixData FVP…" option unchecked. Click Next to continue.
Select the Database server to use and the Database Name created by the setup procedure then click Next.
Specify the Name or IP Address then click Next.
Click Next to continue.
Click Install to start the installation.
The software is being installed.
If the VM on which you are installing FVP Management Server doesn't meet the requirements (8GB of RAM, at least 4 vCPUs), you may receive the warning as shown in the picture. Click OK to continue.
If you get the error shown here below, check if the AD service account has the correct permissions in SQL and it's a member of Local Administrators group.
When the installation has been completed, click Finish to exit the Wizard.
Access the Management Console
In FVP 3.0 the Management Console is configured as a standalone UI and you don't need to use a vSphere client to access.
FVP provides three levels of access:
- No access: the user cannot view any FVP 3.0 information
- Read-only: the user can only view information about the FVP 3.0 deployment
- Administrator: the user has full administrator rights to the FVP 3.0 deployment
FVP 3.0 permissions and vCenter permissions are identical.
Using your favorite browser, type the address http://FVP_address:60001/login to access the web console and enter the credentials of the user who has been granted the appropriate vCenter permissions. Click Login.
The new FVP 3.0 main screen.
PernixData FVP 3.0 installation procedure is now complete. Part 2 will cover the configuration of the FVP Cluster to improve the storage I/O performance.