When you try to configure the HTML Plugin in RecoverPoint due to a missing connection with the vCenter Server, you receive the error "could not get vm uuid for rpa -1".
Accessing the RecoverPoint plugin in the vCenter Server, the dashboard is empty and no data are reported about the protection status.
The HTML Plugin Server is not communicating properly with the vCenter Server.
Fix the "could not get vm uuid for rpa -1" error
From a supported browser, type the address for the RecoverPoint cluster and enter the correct credentials. Click Login.
As you can notice, the HTML Plugin Server is not displayed in the screen. Click the Configure plugin server option at the bottom.
When you try to reconfigure the Plugin Server, the "could not get vm uuid for rpa -1" error is displayed. One reason of this issue could be that the user configured to connect the vCenter has been deleted or the password has changed.
To fix the issue, you need to SSH the vRPA to run some commands.
From the Main Menu enter number 6 to select the System management CLI option.
From the CLI area, run the following command and enter the requested info:
# update_vcenter_server_registration -f
> RPA cluster name (e.g. Milan)
> vCenter Server name (e.g. vcsa01.nolabnoparty.local)
> New username (e.g. backup.service@lab.local)
> Password
Now press Enter to validate the credentials.
In this example the previous user used to connect the vCenter was deleted.
From the RecoverPoint cluster re-lunch the HTML Plugin Server configuration. This time the operation completes successfully and the "could not get vm uuid for rpa -1" error is no longer displayed.
In the RecoverPoint cluster, the Plugin Server is now connected.
Accessing the RecoverPoint's dashboard in the vCenter Server, now the system information is displayed again.
The plugin is now connected to the vCenter Server and the RecoverPoint's dashboard is now showing system details.