VCP-VCF Administrator 2024 (2V0-11.24) is the new certification offered by Broadcom VMware similar to VCP-DCV with some questions related to VCP-NV.
I recently took the VCP-VCF Administrator 2024 exam and fortunately I was able to pass it.
VCP-VCF Administrator exam
- The exam consists in 70 questions with various types of possible answers:
- choose one possible answer
- choose multiple answers (two or three possibile answers)
- drag and drop questions
- The passing score is 300.
- The cost for the exam is 250$.
- The exam is in English and you have 135 minutes time to complete the exam.
- Topics included in the exam are covered in the Exam Guide you can download from this link.
Exam questions
- There several questions on Aria Suite products then be prepared.
- There are also some questions related to NSX which can make the exam more challenging for those, like me, who are not very familiar with NSX.
- Questions related to vSAN and vSphere are pretty simple so no need to worry about these.
- To pass the exam the key is also to practice with these products since you need to demonstrate your understand of how to use the VCF components effectively.
- Some questions may be misleading so make sure to understand the question.
Mandatory training course
Compared to VMware, Broadcom revisited the requirements for taking the exam.
- For the VCP-VCF Administrator exam it is not mandatory to take the official "VMware Cloud Foundation: Deploy, Manage, Configure” training course.
- VCF is based on vSphere, vSAN, NSX and Aria Suite components then you should have a quite good understanding of these products.
Some useful resources you can use to prepare the exam:
- VMware Cloud Foundation Documentation
- VMware Cloud Foundation - Broadcom Community
- VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) Blog.
The exam
- The exam may be challenging, especially if the knowledge of certain products is limited (NSX for me). Focus on selecting answers that make logical sense while discarding those unrelated to the question.
- To answer certain questions correctly sometimes you have to rely on luck.
- Keep track of time. Take a look at all questions to have an idea of their complexity and mark those you can’t answer immediately for review later.
I found some questions related to vSphere and vSAN to be extremely straightforward, while several others, particularly those related to NSX and Aria, were quite tough. A more balanced distribution of questions across topics could improve the exam experience.