Although the RecoverPoint plugin for vCenter is automatically installed during the deployment process, the manual installation could be required in some situations.
The procedure is pretty simple and all you need is to download the correct version of the RecoverPoint plugin to install and place it in the correct path.
For example, a manual installation is needed when a vCenter upgrade from an old version takes place and the plugin cannot be migrated automatically.
Download the RecoverPoint plugin
From Dell-EMC website download the correct plugin. Keep in mind the plugin must be the same version as the installed RecoverPoint version.
Enable vCSA SSH access
To install the plugin you need to enable the SSH access in the vCSA to allow the configuration. Login the VAMI by entering the root credentials and click Login.
Go to Access section and click Edit.
Make sure the Enable SSH Login option is enabled then click OK.
Manual install the plugin
Using a tool like PuTTY, SSH the vCSA and enable the shell.
From the command line, create the folder where the plugin will be copied.
# mkdir /etc/vmware/vsphere-client/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity/com.emc.recoverpoint.vwc-101
Now you need to copy the plugin to the VCSA. If you use a tool like WinSCP, you need to enable the Bash Shell in the vCSA first.
# chsh -s /bin/bash root
Copy the RecoverPoint plugin for vCenter to the just created folder.
Access the folder where the .ZIP file has been copied and unzip it. Use the ls command to list the extracted files and folders.
# unzip
# ls
Since we don't need to copy additional files into the vCSA, return to the Appliance Shell by running this command:
# chsh -s /bin/appliancesh root
Now restart the Web Client service to make the plugin visible. The HTML Web Client won't be affected and only the flex Web Client will be temporarily unavailable.
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmon/vmon-cli -r vsphere-client
From the flex version of the Web Client, click Home and check if the RecoverPoint for VMs item is available.
The RecoverPoint's management area is now available in the vCenter.
The plugin has been installed successfully and the replication can now be managed through the vCenter Server.