Veeam v12 Sneak Peek: direct backup to Object Storage


One of the new features provided by the upcoming Veeam Backup & Replication v12 is the possibility to perform a direct backup to Object Storage.

Previous versions already support backup to Object Storage, but you need to create a Scale-Out Repository to store data to Object Storage services.

The new Veeam v12 will support six different Object Storage types:

  • S3 Compatible
  • Amazon S3
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • IBM Cloud Object Storage
  • Microsoft Azure Storage
  • Wasabi Cloud Storage



Direct backup to Object Storage

To directly backup data to an Object Storage service, you need to perform two steps:

  • Configure the Object Storage repository
  • Create a Backup Job


Configure the Object Storage repository

From the Veeam console, access the Inventory area and right click Backup Repositories. Select Add backup repository.


Select Object storage option.


Select the Object Storage to use as repository (Wasabi Cloud Storage in the example).


Enter a Name for the new repository and optionally a Description. Click Next.


Specify the Region to use and select the Credentials to access then click Next.


To specify the Bucket to use, click Browse and select the correct Bucket. Click OK.


To specify the Folder where backups will be stored, click Browse and select the folder accordingly. You can also create a new folder by clicking on New Folder button. Click OK to save the selection.


Enable the Limit object storage consumption to option to control the data transferred to the Object Storage. Stored backups can also be immutable by enabling Make recent backups immutable for X days option. Bear in mind that you need a Bucket configured with Object Lock feature enabled to have immutable backups. Click Next.


Specify the Mount server to use then click Next.


Click Apply.


Settings are saved to the Veeam's configuration DB. Click Next when the operation has been completed.


Click Finish to exit the wizard.


The new repository has been created.



Create a new Backup Job

To execute a direct backup to Object Storage, you need to create a new Backup Job first.

From Home area, right click Jobs item and select Backup > Virtual machine.


Specify a Name for the new Backup Job and optionally a Description. Click Next.


Click Add to specify the VMs to backup. In the example the VMs to protect are selected by using the Tags. Click OK.


The VMs to protect have been selected. Click Next.


In the Backup repository drop-down menu, select the previously created repository and specify the Retention policy. If you configured the repository as Immutable, the retention for the Backup Job must be equal or lower than the immutable retention. Click Next.


If you don't need Guest processing, click Next.


Specify a Schedule and click Apply.


Enable the Run the job when I click Finish to run the backup immediately then click Finish.


The new Backup Job has been created and executed.



Run the backup

To monitor the direct backup to Object Storage, double click the Backup Job to display the details.


Depending on the amount of data to transfer, after some minutes the backup completes successfully. Click OK to close the window.


In the Backups > Disk section, you can see the just backed up VMs.


Accessing the Object Storage repository, you can see the stored backup files in the path specified during the configuration.


This new great feature simplifies and optimizes the repository configuration allowing the administrators to perform a direct backup to Object Storage service.


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