Nakivo 9.0: backup physical Windows Servers


Latest version of Nakivo Backup & Replication 9.0 introduced a new feature to backup also physical Windows Servers filling the gap with other competitors.

This feature allows administrators to backup physical Windows Servers along with virtual machines with no hassle to use additional backup solutions to protect applications running on physical machines.


Backup physical Windows Servers

To backup physical Windows Servers, three steps are required:

  • Install the proper license
  • Add servers to the Inventory
  • Create a Backup Job


Install the license

In order take benefit of physical Windows Servers backup, an additional license must be purchased and installed in the Nakivo software.

From Nakivo's dashboard click Settings icon and select Licensing tab. Click Change License to select the correct license file and install the new license required to protect physical Windows Servers.


With the correct license installed, a new item is displayed in the license details: Licensed physical servers. The number depends on the purchased license based on the number of physical Windows Servers to protect.



Add servers to the Inventory

First step to perform is to add requested physical servers to the Inventory. From Nakivo's dashboard click on Settings icon.


Go to Inventory tab, click Add New and select Physical server(s) option.


Enter the FQDN or IP Address and the administrative credentials for the servers to backup then click Add. To add servers to the Inventory, the physical machines must be powered on.


During this step, the Nakivo's agent is injected into the specified physical Windows Servers.


After few seconds, configured physical machines have been added to the Inventory.


Going to Transporters tab you can see the added physical Windows Servers.


Checking the installed applications in the configured physical servers, you can notice the Nakivo Backup and Replication's agent is listed. Once the agent is installed in the physical server, the machine can be added to a Backup Job.



Create a Backup Job

Once physical servers have been added to the Inventory, you can configure the Backup Job. From Create menu select Physical server backup job.


If a correct license hasn't been installed in Nakivo, you receive a warning and the Backup Job can't be created.


In the Servers tab select Physical Servers from the View drop-down menu. Select servers to protect then click Next.


Specify the Backup repository to store the backup and click Next.


Specify a Schedule then click Next.


Specify the desired Retention and click Next.


Enter a Job Name and click Finish to save the Backup Job configuration.


In the Nakivo's dashboard, right click the new created Backup Job and select Run Job option to perform a backup immediately.


Select Run for all physical servers option to backup all servers configured in the Backup Job then click Run.


The Backup Job is executed.


After some minutes, the backup of physical Windows Servers has been completed successfully.


Nakivo made another important step in the software development filling the gap with direct competitors with the physical Windows Servers backup feature. Important new capabilities will be provided in the upcoming releases extending the backup solution package.

Nakivo Backup & Replication is available to download as 30-day trial.
