When attempting to upload any files to a datastore in the VMware vSphere infrastructure, you get an error when uploading files to datastores and the operation is not completed and fails.
To find out the cause of the error, you can click on Details to get additonal information.
Looking at the error details, the reason of the problem is due to an untrusted certificate used by the browser.
Looking at the browser, the vCenter Server URL is marked as Not Secure. The failure is due to an untrusted certificate used to connect the vCenter Server.
Fix uploading files to datastores issue
To fix this error, open your favorite browser and enter the address of your vCenter Server without specifying any client (flash or HTML) to use, such as https://vCenter_address. Click the Download trusted root CA certificates link in the right side.
A .ZIP file is downloaded in your local computer. Access the .ZIP file folder location to extract the certificates.
Unzip the downloaded file to a folder of your computer. Three folders are extracted for the supported OSs: lin, mac, win.
Right click the Windows menu icon and select Run. Enter mmc and press Enter to open the Management Console.
Select File > Add/remove Snap-in from the menu.
Select Certificates item then click Add.
Select the Computer account option then click Next.
Select Local computer and click Finish.
The Certificates (Local Computer) snap-in is created under Console Root. Select the new created item and click OK.
Expand Certificates (Local Computer) and Trusted Root Certification Authorities items then right click Certificates. Select All-Tasks > Import.
Click Next.
Click Browse and access the appropriate folder (lin, mac, or win) previously extracted from the ZIP file based on the used OS. Select the .CRT file and click Next.
Select Place all certificates in the following store option. Make sure the specified Certificate store is Trusted Root Certification Authorities then click Next.
Click Finish to import the certificate.
The certificate has been imported successfully. Click OK to close the window.
After importing the certificate in the used browser, access the vCenter Server once again. This time the URL is marked as Secure.
Trying to upload a file to datastore, the operation is now executed without any problem.
After installing the correct certificate, operations such as files upload to datastores can be completed successfully.
hi, I have installed certificate and web browser shows no certificate error certificate is valid, but i still having same error when uploading files to datastore. what might be the problem.
This worked for me! Thanks so much for posting this!!
Life saver! worked like a charm on my 6.5 vcenter upload to datastore problem!
2nding that - thanks so much (one has to close the old session and started a new login)
Thanks for the solution.
it dosen't work for me
Same, everything is "secure", but still get the error.
Doesnt work. Even installed the certs, the download file contains 3, into Chrome...still shows not secure.
I found that if the file I am trying to upload is on a network share it will still fail. Had to have the file locally on the machine where the cert was installed to get it to work.
Its worked for me.
You can use powercli to copy the files. This works without certificate errors:
Copy-DatastoreItem C:\Downloads\VMware-Tools-core-10.2.0-7253323\vmtools\* vmstore:\Datacenter\Datastore_1\vmtools\ -Force
I have done this process and working too, Thanks for your wonderful solution! But i have a question: Will it show same problem again when i will try to upload a file next time? I want to say that will this process of importing certification be applicable for all browsers and all related destinations?
That definitely worked for me.
Thank you so much.
IE sees the cert but filesize limit is 4Gb so cannot upload my OVA.
Edge all looks fine but the whole page refreshes every time when I go to upload the OVA so that's a non-runner.
Chrome still sees the page as Not Secure so that's useless.
What a mess...what should be simple takes half a day and no better off...so frustrating.